Lullaby is a city symphony.
Oslo has its own lullaby,
and those who hear it cannot sleep.
We follow Falken through a night in Oslo. Falken goes to bed under one of the city’s many roofs.
He sends a text into the night to four women - the women in his life.
Then we follow him through the city as he looks them up. His wish is for them to see him.
Margreth Olin (script and direction) about the film:
The characters in LULLABY are taken from reality. These are people I know.
The various locations are places in the city that are important to these people.
I am familiar with the environments and the characters I portray. I know who they are, their yearnings and their energy.
LULLABY is not just a superficial description of events that take place one night in Oslo. This is first and foremost a film about what life is like on the borderline.
A portrait of restlessness and unmet basic needs. Falken has ADHD.
His energy and appearance is the focal point of the film, something inside him is on a chase.
This something is need. A need to settle down, find the point of balance.
Falken seeks something in these women, but their own needs overshadow that of Falken.
A short film about tenderness and brutality, about experiencing betrayal and love -
about the characters’ sensuality and desperation.
With the short film LULLABY, Olin steps into the fictional sphere.
This is a script she has written with Jørgen Enger, who plays the lead role of Falken.
The younger roles are played by amateurs, in roles that are close to their own reality.
They play alongside established actors such as Kjersti Holmen, Anne Krigsvoll and Ingar Helge Gimle.
CAST: Jørgen Enger, Cecilie Porsblad, Kristine Westbye Sævik, Peter Grøndal, Kjersti Holmen, Anne Krigsvoll, Ingar Helge Gimle
WRITER & DIRECTOR: Margreth Olin
PRODUCER: Thomas Robsahm
LINE PRODUCER: Fredrik Pryser
CINEMATOGROPHY: Askild Edvardsen
EDITING: Helge Billing
MUSIC: Thomas Dybdahl, Maria Mena, Röyksopp, Mira Craig
SOUND: Jørn Ryen
FUNDING: Norsk filmfond, NRK, Speranza